US-412 / I-44 / 193东大道交汇处


This interchange project involved the confluence of traffic arteries, 雨水排水系统和多方利益相关者.

工程 design for two new interchanges at 193rd East Avenue and State Highway 66 with U.S. 412号公路/ 44号州际公路包括分级, 排水, 桥, 浮出水面, 信号, 照明, 施工方案的签订和交换. The project consisted of urban highway and interchange design to reconstruct and widen 1.5 miles of the divided urban interstate to six lanes and widen 0.6 mile of the adjacent primary arterial street to four lanes. Critical to success was close coordination with eight different stakeholders, including the 切罗基族国家 because of the tribe’s nearby casino and golf course.

Our coordination organized the project’s complex dynamics.

班, 哈斯克尔公司, designed the project as two sequential construction contracts with an accelerated design schedule. The scope included a new complex multi-level interchange design, interstate mainline exit ramps to frontage roads/local streets, 平面交叉路口, 现浇挡土墙和隔音墙, 几何和路易斯大道大桥的建造. A hydraulic study was performed for the alteration of three existing reinforced concrete box (RCB) 桥s and the addition of one new reinforced box 桥. Hydraulic and structural design were also performed for three RCB culverts. A concrete-lined channel was designed to convey the 100-year storm effluent from the Cherokee Casino golf course’s detention pond within the limited existing right-of-way.

The results were improved traffic operations, safety and aesthetics.

Traffic 工程 services included traffic data collection, 平衡和未来预测, 仿真建模, 事故分析, 信号设计与优化, 同步定时计划, 信号布置图, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant pathways, 交换照明设计和平面图, 签署的计划, 路面标线图, traffic control plans and Intelligent 运输 Systems (ITS) and CCTV cameras for traffic monitoring. Bi-weekly stakeholder meetings were conducted throughout with the Oklahoma Department of 运输 (ODOT), 联邦公路管理局(FHWA), 切罗基族国家, 塔尔萨市和卡图萨市, 和塔尔萨, 瓦格纳和罗杰斯县. Aesthetic enhancements were developed in coordination with Oklahoma’s art in public spaces and the 切罗基族国家. Aesthetic enhancements for the corridor were developed in coordination with Oklahoma’s art in public spaces and the 切罗基族国家.

  • 设计ed as two sequential construction contracts with an accelerated design schedule
  • 排水及铺面
  • 分级
  • 桥梁及道路设计
  • 液压
  • 效用搬迁
  • Aesthetic enhancements in coordination with Oklahoma’s Art in Public Spaces and the 切罗基族国家
  • 挡土墙
  • 照明
  • 信号作用
  • 钢筋混凝土桥梁(RCB)
  • 优先权文件
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.



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